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Saturday, October 21, 2006


i can't believe how time has passed all of us so quickly. bam. 4 years gone. and now we're all saying our goodbyes. i get very sad when i think that 4e4's not going to sing the school song together, or sit together in class for lessons anymore. one part of me wants to move on to see what's gonna happen next after secondary school life, the other part of me wants to stay in this forever? like what amanda said, members of the Breakfast Club, had to come back for dinner. (although we don't exactly know what she mean, but we get the idea.) everything good thing comes to an end. 4e4 will all be moving on, to different paths, different goals in life. our paths will definitely meet again! if it doesn't, we'll make it meet somehow. haha. i'll miss everyone! and all the nonsense and fun we had these years. as we all move on, all the best to each and everyone. we'll still meet up, for lunch or something. haha.

last lap everyone! we can do it! (:

zhss is the place where i met friends that i know, will last for a lifetime. its a place filled with fond memories. and it's hard to let all of these go. but, we all gotta move on. and that's what all of us will, eventually.

i will definitely miss all these people. they have already become part of my life. i will always hold the memories that we have close to my heart. as we all move on, remember me! remember how we used to be. :D

ciaos zhss.

Friday, October 06, 2006

it has been a million years since i touched my lappy.

i've been studying! yeahh. don't give me that face of unbelief. i guess the prelims really woke me up. time to work harder constance! (:

well. life's been rather good, sitting with i-ming. we crack each other up. i guess we're just too stressed out. because apparently, we just keep laughing for no reason at all. YEAHH. COOLLL. xD

i miss so many people. and i'm alread thinking and panning on what to do right after o's.
#1: have enough sleep. =x
#2: enjoy 4e4's chalet + prepare the food
#3: WORK and earn moneh!
#4: movies with i-ming
#5: sneakers-painting with stephanie
#6: ikea trip with stephanie
#7: exercise
#8: shopping spree
#9: tanning with twin
#10: dance with joyous perfection!
#11: return for ballet lessons
#13: find time to hang out with those i've neglected because of o's

i left #14 blank because i'll still be thinking about what i wanna do, constantly. :D

i seriously hate doing papers. they come like all at the same time. and we have to finish all before our study leave. and that's pretty bad, because the papers just keeps coming in, which is horribly irritating.

i love american idol, taylor's song. i listen to it every morning. haha.

oh. i ordered my birkins alread! happy happy. i hope it comes soon.

i know this is getting so random. i can't seem to find anything to say anymore.

so ciaos! :D

constance soh
23 april 90
07s11(PAE) 07s26(JAE)
sometimes what you see is what you might just get.
JUDGE NOT and you will not be judged.




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